Chiropractic Innovation in Madison, WI

Chiropractic has been since 1895.

That is a long time for any profession to be in existence, and an even longer time for a profession to be continually growing and changing. While you may not see many chiropractic inventions or breakthroughs at the CES convention, you may see them in your local office. Chiropractors are always looking for another tool or technique to improve the way they provide care to their respective communities. They may be trying out a new therapy unit like Shockwave Therapy, Dry Needling, therapuetic ultrasound, and the list goes on…

We are no different in our office. We are constantly on the lookout for new modalities or techniques to use in our practice. The goal is to be as effective with each treatment as possible. We want to give the body exactly what it needs, where it needs it, when it needs it. This way you can heal as fast as possible, and get back to your life.

The way we happen to be different from every office, is that we are actively creating our own devices, techniques , and tools to better serve our patients. Over the years, we have embraced the idea of this being a “practice.” We try new things that we think will work to help us with common problems that we see every day. (It goes without saying that we do not do things that we think will harm or hinder a patient on their journey, and we always attain consent to be treated with a new modality.) We find there is no better way to create, and test out ideas and tools than in a practice where we can treat 3 different people with the same setbacks at the same time, but change something with each treatment.

In this way, we can truly find what makes someone improve in the fastest, safest way possible. It is how we hone our craft and get better each day. We strive for excellence through innovation.

We think you deserve that.